Colin Crosby Heritage Tours

Wigston Cubs Find Out About Their Town

[An image showing Wigston Cubs Find Out About Their Town]I led a private Guided Walk recently around the old Leicestershire town of Wigston Magna.

I had been asked to do this by Wigston Cub Scouts. The walk was instead of their normal weekly meeting.

Wigston Magna, close to Leicester, was throughout the Middle Ages the largest town in Leicestershire apart from Leicester itself, and was widely known as Wigston Two Steeples because of there being two mediaeval churches.

I showed the boys both churches; the site of the pinfold, which I explained as a prison for animals; and the lanes in the middle of the town which are the remnants of a mediaeval street system.

If you would like me to take your group on a similar walk, do feel free to get in touch.