Colin Crosby Heritage Tours

St. Clare`s Children Learn About Coalville

[An image showing St. Clare`s Children Learn About Coalville]I led a private Guided Walk recently for Year 6 pupils (9 - 10 year olds) of St. Clare`s Catholic Primary School at Coalville.

I had been asked to do this by Caroline Palmer, a teacher at the school.

The children have been learning about the history of their town, and she felt it would be helpful if they were to get out and actually see the places that they were learning about.

We met at the town`s impressive Clock Tower, and I showed and discussed various aspects of Coalville`s industrial history, with particular emphasis on coalmining and the railways.

It was a pleasure for me as well as interesting for the children and their teacher.

Any other school wishing to do something like this can get in touch with me. I will be pleased to hear from you!