Colin Crosby Heritage Tours

A Haunted Night for Alliance and Leicester

[An image showing A Haunted Night for Alliance and Leicester]I led a Ghost Walk recently for the Alliance and Leicester.

I was asked to provide a walk for some of the company's management, and in fact led a version of my very popular "Haunted Leicester" walk.

They saw some of the most spooky parts of Leicester's half-forgotten Old Town, including the churchyard of St. Mary de Castro Church and the yard of Leicester Castle, as well as the evocative Turret Gateway, where they heard the legend of the terrifying Black Annis.

I met the group at the excellent French restaurant, Le Bistrot Pierre, where they had had a meal, and we finished at One Bar.

The walk was very well received.

I am very happy to lead private Guided Walks, ghostly or otherwise for any group, be it a society or commercial company.

Just get in touch.