Colin Crosby Heritage Tours

Saints and Preachers (A Guided Walk in Leicester)

[An image showing Saints and Preachers]"Saints and Preachers" is one of the fascinating Guided Walks around the City Centre and Old Town of Leicester devised by the well known Blue Badge Guide Colin Crosby.

These gentle strolls are an excellent way of soaking up some Local History.

During the walk, Colin focuses on some of the people of religious significance who have connections with Leicester and Leicestershire.

Among these are John Bunyan, author of "The Pilgrim`s Progress"; William Carey, missionary to India; George Fox, founder of the Society of Friends ("Quakers"); Vivian Redlich, 20th century Christian martyr; and John Wesley, founder of Methodism; Cardinal Wolsey, Chancellor to Henry VIII; and John Wycliffe, first translater of the Bible into English.

He also talks of local saints, notably St. Egelwin, St. Hardulph, St. Morrell and St. Wistan.

For those interested in religious history, Colin leads walks entitled "Faith in Leicester" and "Keeping Faith in Leicester", looking at places of worship in the city, past and present, while there are similar walks called "Faith in Stamford" and "Churches of London".

Dates, costs and where to meet

A place on 'Saints and Preachers' costs £5.00 per person, or £4.00 if paying in advance. The guided walk begins at Town Hall, and is running on:

I'm sorry, but there are no plans to run this event at present.

If you would like to book a place on one of these dates, please telephone Colin on (0116) 2611576 or email him at

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